The Ultimate Guide to Crushing Your Summer Internship

three young professionals at a table

Congratulations on landing a summer internship or clerkship! Lodgeur is Houston’s largest provider of intern housing and law clerk housing and our team has valuable experience as employers, associates, law clerks and interns. We’ve cracked the code on what separates the good from the great. Consider this your cheat sheet to internship excellence.

Part 1: Before your internship or clerkship begins

Do your homework

Craft a stellar digital persona

Come prepared to connect

Find an insider before Day One

Hone your elevator pitch

Part 2: During the internship

Master the art of note-taking

Navigate task delegation with finesse

Seek out constructive criticism

Build your network to broaden your view

Reverse engineer your road to victory

Get crystal clear on what you need this internship to do for you. Picture the glowing bullet points on your future resume.

Find your tribe and enjoy the ride

Seek out a mentor

Amplify your achievements

Part 3: Post-internship tips

Express gratitude

Networking hack

Lodgeur’s advice for interns

The key to a successful internship is to take initiative, remain curious, and be open to growth. Build a strong professional presence, tackle challenges head-on, actively seek out learning opportunities, set clear goals, and cultivate meaningful relationships. By making the most of this experience, you’ll set yourself up for future success.

Houston intern housing

Looking for a place to stay this summer? Lodgeur hosts interns and law clerks from the nation’s best universities and law schools. Book your apartment as easily as book a hotel, and secure your intern housing with a 3-night deposit. Monthly payment options available. And feel free to send our parents’ guide to your mom or dad.

Get ready for your clerkship or internship in Houston

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